Monday, October 10, 2011

Welcome to Gomez Addiction Treatment & Evaluation Services

Our mission at G.A.T.E.S. is to provide clients with an experience that will help them to develop an new outlook on their lives, so that they will be able to progress through the recovery process.


  1. There were other significant changes in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s about Substance abuse treatment Center. The organization’s financial health improved. Staff members, who were previously unpaid and relied on Cenikor for room and board, moved out of the facilities and began receiving salaries. Management was shifted to an outside, newly elected board of directors.

  2. Good to know about this addiction treatment service. Last year my brother was in a bad condition because of his opiate addiction soon came to know about addiction counseling Virginia center and approached there. He was given best treatment. That really helped him to be a normal person again.
